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Book Review: Debat Sebagai Retorika


Title               : DEBAT SEBGAI RETORIKA

Author           : Asul Wiyanto

Publisher       : Aneka Ilmu

Pages             : 82 Pages

Dimensions   : 15cm x 20,5cm

Book Price    : Rp 15.000,00



Arguing is a way of expressing dissent. The course of the debate is indeed a place to speak and maintain it with arguments. In the meantime, its antagonist attempts to find the flaw in the argument to refute it and reject it. Entering the debate arena, attendees must be mentally prepared, ready when their opinions are rejected, ready to accept an opponent's actually better and more powerful argument.

 On numerous occasions we often advocate debates that are not based on the way of thinking, attitudes, and behavior that fit the debate code. The frequent result is that debate develops into a snap debate that ignores good manners and good manners. And yet, arguing has rules, has science, and art.

 This rhetorical debate book presents matters of science and art, ranging from debate to debate, to debate style, to debate. Additionally, various schemes to gain victory were presented, ranging from defense to strategy to subjugation. The exposure is quite simple and furnished with examples that can be applied directly to practice. Happy debate if not caught up in a trivial debate.


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